Our terms and conditions apply to all our agreements. These terms and conditions are listed below. Please feel
free to contact us for more information.
Terms and conditions
Article 1 – Commission
Article 2 – Confidentiality
Article 3 – Remuneration
Article 4 – Statements c.q. personal contribution and documents and suspension of activities
Article 5 – Third-party funds
Article 6 – Intellectual property rights
Article 7 – Liability
Article 8 – Archiving
Article 9 – Complaints
The following terms and conditions apply to all services provided by ahladvocaten.
Article 1 – Commission
1.1 ahladvocaten is a cost-partnership comprising natural and legal persons. In addition to the members of the
partnership, other lawyers are associated with ahladvocaten, as well as supporting staff members, including
secretaries and legal officers.
1.2 ahladvocaten is a cost-partnership where each partner works independently for own risk. Only the lawyer
with whom the agreement to provision of services has been made can be held liable. The lawyer will provide the
service to his best ability and with the care that may be expected of him. The agreement does not contain a result
obligation, but an effort obligation.
1.3 Client: person to whom the service is provided. If the assignment is commissioned by a person other than the
client, both the principal and the client will be jointly and severally bound to any payment due to the lawyer,
unless otherwise agreed upon.
Article 2 – Confidentiality
Ahladvocaten, its lawyers and all its other employees, are obligated to maintain confidentiality during the
handling of a case concerning any knowledge they acquire about the person of the client, the nature and extent of
his interest in the case, and everything that falls under the non-disclosure obligation, which a decent lawyer must
respect vis-à-vis third parties.
In the event that the client and principal are not the same (legal) person, this non-disclosure obligation in
principle also applies to the principal; this depends, among other things, on the nature and content of the services
to be provided.
Article 3 – Remuneration
3.1 A fee is due to the lawyer, along with office expenses and disbursements.
3.2 The lawyer’s fee will be determined in accordance with the agreement established at the acceptance of the
assignment, and evidenced by the assignment confirmation. The agreed upon hourly rate may be increased yearly
on 1 January in accordance with the new hourly rate determined for that year by ahladvocaten. If the execution
of the assignment requires the service of more than one lawyer, this will be provided at the same hourly rate or a
lower hourly rate than normally applicable for that lawyer, unless otherwise agreed upon.
3.3 Office expenses comprise reimbursement for not easy to specify office expenses, such as postage, unspecified
travel expenses, costs of telecommunications, copying costs and the like, determined at 6% of the fee.
3.4 Disbursements comprise reimbursement of costs such as court registry fees, court bailiff’s costs and specified
travel expenses.
3.5 Upon acceptance of the assignment, or interim agreed, an advance on the fee and/or disbursements may be
established, which must be paid by the client/principal prior to the start of services provided by the lawyer. An
advance is always deducted in the final statement.
3.6 Unless otherwise agreed upon, a monthly interim fee may be claimed from the client/principal to cover the
amount due for fees, office expenses and disbursements.
3.7 A final statement is accompanied by a specification, unless otherwise agreed upon.
3.8 In the case of assistance on the basis of funded legal aid article 3 is not applicable.
Article 4 – Statements c.q. personal contribution and documents and suspension of activities
4.1 Invoices must be paid within fourteen days of the invoice date, failing which the client/principal will be in
default without notice and will owe statutory interest.
In the case of debt collection measures, extrajudicial collection costs will also be owed in accordance with the
collecting rate established by the Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten (Netherlands Bar Association), with a
minimum of 50 euro per invoice.
4.2 In the event that an invoice is not timely settled, the lawyer is entitled to suspend his activities, not only for the
assignment to which the unpaid invoice applies, but also for any other assignments of the client/principal. If this
occurs ahladvocaten is not liable for any damage that may occur as a result of suspension of the activities.
4.3 In the event that the documents (copy of a Dutch passport or ID card or Dutch driving license) are not (timely)
provided and/or the personal contribution is not (timely) paid, the lawyer is entitled to suspend his activities until
the previously mentioned obligations are met. If this occurs ahladvocaten is not liable for any damage that may
occur as a result of suspension of the activities.
Article 5 – Third-party funds
Monies received on behalf of the client/principal, will be received on the bank account of the Stichting
Derdengelden Aartsen Advocaten te Utrecht on (TRIODOS) account number NL 22 TRIO 0212172980, and
transferred to the rightful owner as quickly as possible.
Unless a different arrangement is made, there will be no reimbursement of interest.
Article 6 – Intellectual property rights
Without prior written consent from ahladvocaten, the client/principal is prohibited, whether or not involving
third parties, to reproduce, disclose or exploit any of the by the lawyer provided advice, contracts and/or other
products of the mind, other than those directly arising from the assignment itself.
Article 7 – Liability
ahladvocaten has insured the professional liability of its lawyers. Liability is limited to the amount including the
own risk that, where appropriate, is eligible for distribution under this insurance.
Article 8 – Archiving
ahladvocaten archives every file for five years after the date of conclusion. After this period ahladvocaten is entitled to destroy the file.
Article 9 – Complaints
9.1 In the event of a complaint about the service provided by the lawyer, the client/principal may file a complaint. We refer to our complaint procedure ahladvocaten.