Do you have to leave the Netherlands immediately or within 28 days, because your residence permit has been revoked or will be denied? Then you will have received a return decision from the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND). This may happen when, according to the IND, you have provided incorrect information or have withheld important information. The IND can also revoke your residence permit when you do not longer meet the conditions for the residence permit or have been convicted.
In most cases a return decision comes with an instated entry ban that could be in place for up to 20 years. This means you cannot stay in the Netherlands or other Member States of the European Union throughout this time.
This is very inconvenient for you, your family, and your employer. If you stay in the Netherlands despite an entry ban you commit a criminal offence and you are punishable under article 197 of the penal code!
If you have received a return decision from the IND it is advisable to contact ahladvocaten’s immigration lawyers immediately, since legal objections or an appeal have to be made timely! Ahladvocaten’s immigration specialists can help you conduct legal proceedings at the IND and/or in court. They can also help you lift an entry ban. If you are dealing with an entry ban, contact us for a free consultation!