Because of his broad and considerable experience, not just as a lawyer but also as a university teacher and through his work at the IND, he is able to quickly get to the heart of the matter and indicate the steps that need to be taken to work towards a solution.
Anjo Hekman has published the following works:
- De overdracht van asielzoekers aan Griekenland; een EU-rechtelijk perspectief (Asiel & Migrantenrecht 2010, nr. 7, september 2010, authors: Anjo Hekman)
- Annotatie RV 2010, 12, ABRvS 30-08-2010, 201002874/1/V3 (Rechtspraak Vreemdelingenrecht, augustus 2011, authors: Anjo Hekman)
- Tijd en asiel, 60 jaar Vluchtelingenverdrag / De tijd staat stil (Kluwer 2011, ISBN 9789013098129, authors: Anjo Hekman)
- Boom Basics; Migratierecht (Boom Juridische Uitgevers, september 1, 2012, authors: Anjo Hekman, Roel Fernhout, Kees Groenendijk, e.a.)
Anjo Hekman has appeared in the media because of the impending eviction of Armenian children Howick and Lili:
You can contact Anjo Hekman if you have any questions or seek advice.
Mr. Anjo Hekman
Fields of law:
Immigration law
Lawyer since 1997
- Utrecht University
- Specialisation courses (international) migration law
(European-) migration law
Member of
- Working group legal aid for refugees
- Working group legal aid for aliens
- Dutch Association of Immigration Lawyers (VAJN)
- Netherlands Association of Immigration law attorneys
Special function(s)
Former Member of the Advisory Committee on immigration law of The Netherlands Bar
T: 030-2302060 (general)
F: 030-2300576